libglass::record Class Reference

#include <chain.h>

List of all members.


struct  _record

Public Member Functions

 record (const char *p, unsigned int size, bool allocated, const char *allocateddata=NULL)
 record (const record *r, int offset=0, int roffset=0)
 record (const record &r, int offset=0, int roffset=0)
 ~record ()
recordoperator= (const record &s)
const char * getData (void) const
unsigned int getLength (void) const
void print () const

Protected Attributes

int offset
int roffset

Detailed Description

Record class.

These are individual items of a chain.

See also:

Definition at line 44 of file chain.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

libglass::record::record ( const char *  p,
unsigned int  size,
bool  allocated,
const char *  allocateddata = NULL 


p The data array.
size Data size.
allocated True if data should be deleted when there are no more references to it.
allocateddata The beginning of the allocated data; if NULL, the beginning is at p.

libglass::record::record ( const record r,
int  offset = 0,
int  roffset = 0 

Construtor. Updates references.

r The record to copy from.
offset Offset from beginning of data.
roffset Offset from end of data.

libglass::record::record ( const record r,
int  offset = 0,
int  roffset = 0 

libglass::record::~record (  ) 

Member Function Documentation

const char* libglass::record::getData ( void   )  const

Returns the data, taking offsets in consideration.

unsigned int libglass::record::getLength ( void   )  const

Returns the data length, taking offsets in consideration.

record& libglass::record::operator= ( const record s  ) 

void libglass::record::print (  )  const


Member Data Documentation

int libglass::record::offset [protected]

offset of r->data

Definition at line 65 of file chain.h.

pointer to the _record data of this instance

Definition at line 63 of file chain.h.

int libglass::record::roffset [protected]

right offset of r->data

Definition at line 66 of file chain.h.

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Generated on Fri May 28 13:19:01 2010 for libGlass by  doxygen 1.5.8