libglass::Remote< T, T, T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for libglass::Remote< T, T, T >, including all inherited members.

_getValue(chain &c, nodeId id)libglass::_Remote [protected]
_Remote(const char *name)libglass::_Remote [protected]
_setValue(chain &c, nodeId id)libglass::_Remote [protected]
datalibglass::Remote< T, T, T > [protected]
getData(nodeId id=nobodyId) const libglass::Remote< T, T, T > [inline]
getNodeRelation(nodeId id) const libglass::PluginInterface [protected]
getPluginBase(PluginId id)libglass::PluginInterface [protected]
getPluginManager(void)libglass::PluginInterface [protected, static]
getValue(nodeId id)libglass::_Remote
lock(void)libglass::Remote< T, T, T > [inline]
mutexlibglass::_Remote [protected]
namelibglass::_Remote [protected]
operator*(void) const libglass::Remote< T, T, T > [inline]
ownerslibglass::_Remote [protected]
pack(void)libglass::Remote< T, T, T > [inline, protected, virtual]
PluginInterface()libglass::PluginInterface [protected]
rblibglass::_Remote [protected]
Remote(const char *name, T data=T())libglass::Remote< T, T, T > [inline]
RemoteBase classlibglass::_Remote [friend]
RemoteVarPacket classlibglass::_Remote [friend]
setData(T &b, nodeId id=nobodyId)libglass::Remote< T, T, T > [inline]
setValue(nodeId id)libglass::_Remote
unlock(void)libglass::Remote< T, T, T > [inline]
unpack(chain &c, unsigned int &used)libglass::Remote< T, T, T > [inline, protected, virtual]
~_Remote()libglass::_Remote [protected, virtual]
~PluginInterface()=0libglass::PluginInterface [protected, pure virtual]

Generated on Fri May 28 13:19:01 2010 for libGlass by  doxygen 1.5.8